Examen de Inglés de Murcia (PAU de 2016)

Comunidad AutĂłnoma | RegiĂłn de Murcia |
Asignatura | Inglés |
Convocatoria | Ordinaria de 2016 |
Fase | General |
Temas mencionados new_releases

Ligne 13 du métro de Paris
La ligne 13 du mĂ©tro de Paris est l'une des seize lignes du rĂ©seau mĂ©tropolitain de Paris. Elle est issue de la fusion entre la ligne B du rĂ©seau Nord-Sud, devenue la ligne 13 du rĂ©seau, et l'ancienne ligne 14 de la CMP. Sa crĂ©ation Ă©tait destinĂ©e Ă remplacer une ligne nord-sud du RER, prĂ©vue au schĂ©ma directeur d'amĂ©nagement et d'urbanisme de la rĂ©gion parisienne de 1965 et jamais rĂ©alisĂ©e. Elle relie Ă travers l'ouest de Paris des communes de banlieue: Saint-Denis et Saint-Ouen, sur la branche nord-est, ainsi qu'Asnières-sur-Seine, Gennevilliers et Clichy sur la branche nord-ouest, Ă Vanves,…
Fuente: wikipedia.orgStar Wars
Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, centered on a film series created by George Lucas. It depicts the adventures of various characters "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away".
Fuente: wikipedia.org
The T-34 was a Soviet medium tank that had a profound and lasting effect on the field of tank design. Although its armour and armament were surpassed later in the war, it has often been credited as the most effective, efficient and influential tank design of the Second World War. At its introduction, the T-34 possessed an unprecedented combination of firepower, mobility, protection and ruggedness. Its 76.2 mm (3 in) high-velocity tank gun provided a substantial increase in firepower over any of its contemporaries; its heavy sloped armour was difficult to penetrate by most contemporary anti-tan…
Fuente: wikipedia.org
Don Quixote
(or), fully titled The history of the valorous and wittie Knight-Errant Don-Quixote of the Mancha, is a Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Published in two volumes, in 1605 and 1615, Don Quixote is considered the most influential work of literature from the Spanish Golden Age and the entire Spanish literary canon. As a founding work of modern Western literature and one of the earliest canonical novels, it regularly appears high on lists of the greatest works of fiction ever published, such as the Bokklubben World Library collection that cites Don Quixote as authors' choice for the …
Fuente: wikipedia.org
Murça is a municipality in northern Portugal. The population in 2011 was 5,952, in an area of 189.37 km². It is situated in the central part of the eastern district of Vila Real, and consigned to the Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro region. The town of Murça, seat of the municipal government, is on average 40 kilometres from many of the major urban centres of the region. Murça's proximity to Vila Real and access to the IP4 motorway makes Murça potentially advantageous to development.
Fuente: wikipedia.org.jpg?width=300)
Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC is an American film and television production company based in the Letterman Digital Arts Center in San Francisco, California. The studio is best known for creating and producing the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises, as well as its leadership in developing special effects, sound and computer animation for film. Lucasfilm was founded by filmmaker George Lucas in 1971 in San Rafael, California; most of the company's operations were moved to San Francisco in 2005. The Walt Disney Company acquired Lucasfilm in 2012 at a valuation of $4.06 billion.
Fuente: wikipedia.org
A lightsaber is a fictional energy sword featured in the Star Wars universe. A typical lightsaber usually consists of a metal hilt (usually around in length) that projects a brightly lit energy blade (usually around in length).
Fuente: wikipedia.orgObi-Wan Kenobi
Galactic Republic. Rebel Alliance. Yoda. Luke Skywalker. Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, portrayed by Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor in the films. In the original trilogy, he is a mentor to Luke Skywalker, to whom he introduces the ways of the Jedi. In the prequel trilogy, he is a master and friend to Anakin Skywalker. He is frequently featured as a main character in various other Star Wars media.
Fuente: wikipedia.org
Beechcraft T-34 Mentor
The Beechcraft T-34 Mentor is an American propeller-driven, single-engined, military trainer aircraft derived from the Beechcraft Model 35 Bonanza. The earlier versions of the T-34, dating from around the late 1940s to the 1950s, were piston-engined. These were eventually succeeded by the upgraded T-34C Turbo-Mentor, powered by a turboprop engine. The T-34 remains in service more than six decades after it was first designed.
Fuente: wikipedia.orgThe History of Cardenio
The History of Cardenio, often referred to as merely Cardenio, is a lost play, known to have been performed by the King's Men, a London theatre company, in 1613. The play is attributed to William Shakespeare and John Fletcher in a Stationers' Register entry of 1653. The content of the play is not known, but it was likely to have been based on an episode in Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote involving the character Cardenio, a young man who has been driven mad and lives in the Sierra Morena. Thomas Shelton's translation of the First Part of Don Quixote was published in 1612, and would thus have b…
Fuente: wikipedia.org2Play
Wesley Johnson (born 1977), known by his stage name 2Play, is a British musician, record producer, and mixed martial artist.
Fuente: wikipedia.orgSpanish Navy
The Spanish Navy, is the maritime branch of the Spanish Armed Forces and one of the oldest active naval forces in the world. The Spanish navy was responsible for a number of major historic achievements in navigation, the most famous being the discovery of America and the first global circumnavigation by Magellan and Elcano. For several centuries, it played a crucial logistical role in the Spanish Empire and defended a vast trade network across the Atlantic Ocean between the Americas and Europe and across the Pacific Ocean between Asia and the Americas.
Fuente: wikipedia.orgVallés Occidental
El Vallés Occidental (oficialmente, en catalán, Vallès Occidental) es una comarca de Cataluña, España, en la provincia de Barcelona. Limita al norte con el Bages y el Moyanés, al este con el Vallés Oriental, al oeste con el Bajo Llobregat y al sur con el Barcelonés. Las cocapitales de la comarca son las ciudades de Sabadell y Tarrasa. Con el Vallés Oriental forma la gran comarca natural del Vallés. Geográficamente, el Vallés y el Penedés forman la fosa tectónica del Vallés-Panadés, dentro de la depresión prelitoral catalana. Su población el 1 de enero de 2016 era de 904 240 habitantes.
Fuente: wikipedia.org
Battle of Lepanto
The Battle of Lepanto was a naval engagement taking place on 7 October 1571 in which a fleet of the Holy League, a coalition of European Catholic maritime states arranged by Pope Pius V, financed by Habsburg Spain and led by admiral John of Austria, inflicted a major defeat on the fleet of the Ottoman Empire in the Gulf of Patras, where the Ottoman forces sailing westwards from their naval station in Lepanto (the Venetian name of ancient Naupactus, Ottoman ') met the fleet of the Holy League sailing east from Messina, Sicily.
Fuente: wikipedia.org
Charles Dickens
Charles John Huffam Dickens (7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870) was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. His works enjoyed unprecedented popularity during his lifetime, and by the twentieth century critics and scholars had recognised him as a literary genius. His novels and short stories enjoy lasting popularity.
Fuente: wikipedia.org